Guys. I love Bones. I'm only 3 seasons into it, but it has been a magical journey. It's such a unique television viewing experience because Dr. Temperance Brennan (aka "Bones") is such an unusual character. The show centers around Bones, a remarkably intelligent woman whose enormous cache of facts and logic makes her an unstoppable crime solver. She's so stinkin' cool, guys. Though pretty rough around the edges, she wins the trust and respect of countless coworkers and friends because of her honesty and sincerity--she is completely void pretense. She's incredibly rational and consistently relies on her own strengths to accomplish her goals. Honestly, she breaks nearly every female stereotype seen in TV today.
I could write a song about how wonderful she is....
Until I watched the Halloween Episode in season 3.

Oh goodness. It made me so sad. Why did they need to make her wear a nasty outfit? She's my role model--she shouldn't be dressing like that! However, it did make a really really fun episode. And even though the costumes were super nasty, I was glad that they dressed her like a super hero because it served as a very satisfying contrast.
In the episode, she used critical thinking skills to discover a serial killer's lair and to track him down. She also was able to save a little girl and comfort a distressed friend--all while wearing her Wonder Woman costume. I ended up realizing that yes, she was dressed in what media portrays as a "super" outfit, but her behavior was able to supercede her appearance. As she achieved countless obstacle, I realized that the only thing heeding her progress was her silly little costume. She was a force to be reckoned with in spandex, yes, but she is also consistently unstoppable in every other episode as she rocks her lab coat. I learned that she was not what she wore, and that in this instance her actions spoke louder than her appearance. She was far more superior than Wonder Woman ever could be.
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