Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Scared of Lyric Essays. But I'm not scared of Potatoes.

I've been ignoring my blog for several days because I've known that I should probably be posting something related to lyric essays. But that terrifies me. I don't want to write in that format. Gross. I think I'd rather just write about mashed potatoes. The ones that my grandma makes. You know, where you can see the butter melting on the top, and you know that your lifespan is being shortened merely by looking at the saturated fat?  And how you can watch Grandma, step by step, make the dish, and yet never ever be able to replicate her potatoes on your own? Yeah, those are the ones I want to write about. The potatoes that you bite into and suddenly become accosted by memories of Thanksgivings, and Birthdays, and spur-of-the-moment potluck dinners. Where you suddenly feel like the years of separation or the mistakes or unexpected decisions are irrelevant, because these potatoes have stayed the same all of these years, even when you haven't. And somehow, knowing that these potatoes will continue to remain constant, is the most comforting thought you've had in weeks.Yeah. Those are the potatoes I would write about.

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