Monday, October 8, 2012

Roommate Planks

"Alright. Two minute plank. GO!" Annie shouts. Kelli and I exchange smirks, until a hand pulls at my pant leg, begging me to begin the ab exercise. "Okay, good work ladies. We've been going 30 seconds." Annie cheers. Kelli immediately groans, followed by an incredulous laugh. "There's no way we've only been going 30 seconds." she begins to laugh again, her whole body shaking. "Kelli! Stop it. It won't work if you keep laughing like that." barks Jami, who is clearly taking this more seriously than the rest of us. "Oh Kelli, you're doing just great." Annie soothes. "AHH! I want to die!" I shout, as my abs begin to burn. "Mandy, don't you give up on me!" Commands Jami. "No, Kelli, you can't give up yet. We only have 40 seconds left." Kelli doesn't respond to Annie's optimism, and instead yells out "Peace out, suckers!" and walks into the kitchen. "Annie. Please tell me we're almost done." I plead. "No. Feel the burn." Jami teases. But I don't think it's funny. I want to start crying. Sheesh. Abs aren't supposed to hurt like this. "Oh Mandy, we're almost there. Just 20 more seconds." Annie croons as Kelli saunters back in to watch the amusing spectacle. "Oh no. You're finishing what you started, girl." Jami snaps at Kelli. "Ok. Last 15 seconds!" The four of us count down to zero, and cheer when the longest two minutes of our life are over. "Wasn't that fun?" Annie asks. "What should we do now?" Questions Jami. "Well, that was weird." Kelli proclaims. But I don't say anything. I'm still laying on the floor moaning.

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